Hazel Ying Lee Apartments

Developed and owned by Home Forward, the Hazel Ying Lee Apartments (formerly 3000 Powell) is a 210-unit affordable housing development funded by the voter-backed 2016 Portland Housing Bond initiative. Located on Powell Blvd in the Creston-Kenilworth neighborhood, the building’s dynamic X-shaped arrangement maximizes density while supporting generous outdoor spaces, offering residents a moment of calm alongside the busy boulevard. The landscape design is anchored by two courtyards that are linked by a strong circulation spine. Outdoor rooms fold off the centralized connector and are reinforced by a layered landscape, softening the deep inlet of the resident courtyard. Program elements include amenity terrace, play area, and resident gardens.

Ground Workshop is proud to be part of a collaborative team that includes Home Forward, Holst Architecture, KPFF and Colas Construction. This project anticipates a 2024 completion.

Ground Workshop team: Tommy Solomon, Andrew Schneider, Tom Wortman, Hayley Chung

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